Looking for a church in Staunton, Va? Come join us!

our service times

We are a Christan church in Staunton, Virginia, that imparts Truth in a fun and loving way that gives hope and success in life.

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Sundays @ 9 AM

Are you an early-bird? If so, then this service may be for you! Come start your day with worship and a message. Childcare is not currently provided.

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Sundays @ 11 AM

As our main Sunday service, both kids and youth classes are provided. You can also watch on Facebook Live or you can order the CD.

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Tuesdays @ 10 AM

Pastor Ray leads an interactive discussion-format bible study covering many topics in the Bible. Join us in person or watch on Facebook Live.

who we are

who we are

At Victory Worship Center and World Outreach, we think religion is a bunch of bologna! Religious bologna is based on condemnation and guilt, but, like bologna, it is packaged nicely. It has a robe, some stained-glass windows, and a religious voice, so people think it is God. The reality is that God loves you and wants to make a positive difference in your life!

Christian Church Staunton

our ministries:

looking for helpful Christian resources?

our resources


Did you miss Sunday service or you want to go back and review a message? Get sermon notes and other information:


Looking for scripture references to stand on during a tough time? Check out our prayer sheets:


Want to register online for an event or submit a request to the office? You can access our online forms list here:


us here!

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or ask a question.